Pro! User Guide
Importing Classical IA data
The Classical IA (Item Analysis) Import allows you to update multiple items with option selection counts and r-biserials for specified windows, as well as general item-level Item Analysis data. The process involves loading the Classical IA data for the items, and executing the import.
To import Classical IA data:
1. In the Workflow menu, click Data Management > Import Classical IA Data:
2. When the Import Classical IA Data screen appears (shown below):
A. Click the Browse button, then find (on your local or network drive) and select the CSV file to import.
B. Click the Open button to open the file.
C. Click the Import Classical IA Data button to begin the data import.
3. After the data is imported, click the View Output button in the Activity Monitor:  
4. Click the View Output button to open the Classical IA Import Results window. Each i with valid Classical IA data will have its Classical IA data updated for the specified window, or added to the specified window (if never previously added).