1. Navigate to the Item Assignment tab of the Review Project Management screen (highlighted in green below).
2. Click the Assign Items to Reviewers button (highlighted in red, above).
3. The Assign Items to Reviewers pop-up will display a list of all items assigned to Primary Reviewers. To reassign an item, select the item(s) to be reassigned from the list under the Primary Reviewer.
4. To unassign an item, click the << button (highlighted in red, above), will move the item(s) from Primary Reviewers to Unassigned Poolbook Items. A list of item numbers will be displayed beneath the Unassigned Poolbook Items table as shown below.
5. To reassign, select the item(s) to be assigned from the Unassigned Poolbook Items selection and a new Primary Reviewer.
6. Clicking the >> button (highlighted in red, above), will move the item(s) from Unassigned Poolbook Items to Primary Reviewers. A list of item numbers will be displayed beneath the selected primary reviewer as shown below.