Survey items seek information from exam takers, but are not scored as part of the exam. Some examples of survey items:
Overall, please rate the testing facility—1 (low) to 5 (high).
Please answer True or False to the following statement: Much of the information on the exam was too difficult to answer without the aid of textbooks or other reference materials.
There are three different types of survey items:
Single selection multiple choice (SSMC) survey item: The exam taker may select only one answer choice to the survey item.
Multiple selection multiple choice (MSMC) survey item: The exam taker may select one or more answer choices to the survey item.
True/False survey item: The exam taker may select only one of two answer choices to the survey item (e.g., True/False, or Yes/No, or Good/Bad, etc.).
Essay survey item: The exam taker provides a free-form essay response to the survey item.