1. Navigate to the Details tab of the Item Writing Project Management screen (highlighted in green, below). While a project is in draft status, any field on the detail screen can be modified. Once a project is active you may only edit the fields shown in Steps A and B, below.
A. Edit the following Project Details:
Start Date/End Date: Start and end dates for the project.
Project Name: Name of the project.
Project Description: Description of the project.
Training URL: External website for training purposes, if available.
Exhibit Tagging Required?: Determines if exhibits included in project require classification assignments.
Show When Closed/Ended?: Determines if the project will continue to be available for the item writer after it has been closed or is past the end date.
Project Manager:
First Name: Project manager's first name.
Last Name: Project manager's last name.
E-mail: Project manager's email address.
Phone: Project manager's phone number.
B. Edit the following Options:
Project Item Type: Select the checkbox for the desired item type(s).
Number of Exhibits: (PACS only) Determines the Minimum and Maximum number of exhibits the item writer can add to item.
Number of Stems: (PACS only) Determines the Minimum and Maximum number of stems the item writer can create.
Number of Options: Determines the Minimum and Maximum number of answer choices the item writer can create.
Number of Answer Choices: (MSMC only) Determines the Minimum and Maximum number of keys the item writer can select for an item.
Allow Passages?: (SSMC and Likert) Determines if passages can be authored by the item writer (this field is present based on passage availability within the application)
Min Items in Passage: (If Allow Passages? selected) Determines the minimum number of items that can be associated with a passage before submission.
Max Items in Passage: (If Allow Passages? selected) Determines the maximum number of items that can be associated with a passage.
Exhibit Options: By default there is no Max or Min image size. To explicitly define click the button to activate the desired text box.
Max Image Size: Determines the maximum size of an image the item writer can use in an item (choose KB, MB, or GB to define units).
Max Video Size: Determines the maximum size of an audio/video clip the item writer can use in an item (choose KB, MB, or GB to define units).
Workflow Options:
Submitted Item Visibility: Determines what item writers will be able to view-only their own (Only Writer's Items) or everyone's (All Project Items).
Who Can Edit Items?: In addition to the Item Writer, who can edit the passage and\or item(s) during their review?
Project Mentors
Who Can Submit Items?: Determines who can submit the passage and\or item(s)