If you are authorized, you may edit the rationales for an item. The item rationale provides an explanation for the inclusion of that particular exam question in an exam, while answer choice rationales provide reasons why each of the choices is being offered to the exam taker for that particular question.
While editing rationales, you can also edit/add keywords for the item, which can be used when searching for items.
1. Click here for full instructions on entering rationales for an item.
2. Navigate to the item's Rationale tab (highlighted below).
3. Edit the rationale for the item in the Item Rationale field. In this field, you can format and spell check text, plus add tables, images, and symbols.
4. Edit the rationales for each of the item's four answer choices in the Answer Choice Rationale fields. In these fields, you can format and spell check text, plus add tables, images, and symbols.
5. Edit or enter new keywords for the item, each separated by a semicolon (;) in the Keywords field. These keywords will be searchable in the item search feature.