Pro! User Guide
Inserting images, audio/video clips, and symbols
The Pro! editor allows the user to insert images and audio/video clips (aka. exhibits), as well as symbols.
Note: All images and audio/video clips are handled by the Pro! exhibit management environment, which allows you to import and manage images (.bmp, .jpeg, .jpg, and .png) and audio/video clips (.mpeg, .mpg, .wmw, .mp4, and .avi). These exhibits can then be inserted into the score report.
Inserting exhibits:
 To insert an existing exhibit, follow Steps A through G:
A. Click your cursor where you wish to insert the exhibit.
B. In the Insert toolbar, click the Existing Exhibit button (highlighted in red, below):
C. The Exhibit Search window will appear (shown below).
D. Select the Media Type using the checkboxes, as well as the search criteria evaluation and search results display options using the radio buttons.
E. Enter any relevant search criteria into the Exhibit ID, Exhibit Name, and Exhibit Set Name fields. Click the Toggle Advanced Search Options button to display the Permission Expiration Range, Last Modified Date Range, Copyright Year Range, Original Size Range, and Display Size Range fields (highlighted in red, below).
F. To search based on exhibit classification, find the desired classification through the exhibit classification hierarchy (highlighted in green, below) and select its checkbox. In the example below, the user selected the classification "Adrenal gland".
G. Click the Search button to initiate the search. To clear all search criteria, click the Clear button. To close the Exhibit Search window, click the Cancel button.
To insert a new exhibit, follow Steps A through D:
A. In the Insert toolbar, click the New Exhibit button (highlighted in red, below):
B. The Insert New Exhibit into Item window will appear (shown below).
D. Click the OK button to insert the new exhibit into the score report.
Inserting a symbol:
1. Click your cursor where you wish to insert the symbol.
2. In the Insert toolbar, click the Symbol button to open the Insert Symbol dialog box:
3. Click the desired symbol to insert it into the score report.
4. Click the Close button to close the dialog box.