2. Navigate to the item's Data tab (highlighted in red, below):
The figure above shows the Data tab, which contains the following summary information about the item:
A. Vitals (highlighted in green, above)
Key: The answer to the item (exam question).
Original Writer: The username of the writer who created the item.
Original Source: The organization that the writer works for.
Vendor Batch #: The batch number that contained this item (if the item-writing vendor sent its items in batches).
Approvals: This table shows the approvals (by username and date) of the item within the review cycle.
Pretest Item Review: This table shows voting data for pretest item reviews.
B. Statistical Values (highlighted in blue, above)
Total Exposures: The number of exam takers who received a form that contained this item, regardless of whether they reached or attempted the item while taking the exam.
pValue: Proportion of exam takers who answer the item correctly, across all exposures.
Item Writer's Estimate of Difficulty: Level of difficulty of the item (low, medium, or high), as determined by the writer when they created it.
Reviewer Estimate of Difficulty: Level of difficulty of the item (low, medium, or high), as determined by the item reviewer.
Review Changed Difficulty Level: Shows whether the reviewer modified the item writer's difficulty level.
Inventory Item Class: Value from 1 to 50
Actual Difficulty: Level of difficulty of the item, as determined by the system when the item actually tested.
Parameters: This table shows parameters that define the shape of the probability distribution function:
A = slope of function at B.
B = identifies the 50% mark of the mass of the function.
C = establishes the floor for the distribution function.
C. Modification Events (highlighted in orange, above)
This table shows the date, time, and identity of users who performed certain critical tasks in the item's timeline.