1. To filter the tabular display by one or more values in the value list:
Click the filter funnel icon (highlighted in green, below) to display the filter options (highlighted in red, below) for a column:
For columns with a limited number of values, a values list is provided. Clicking the Select All option at the top of the filter options box (highlighted in red, below) will select all values (which is the same as applying no filter at all):
Select one or more values, then click the Filter button. In the example below, the user has selected the Pending filter (highlighted in green), and then clicked the Filter button:
The tabular display results now only show items with the Item Status of Pending (shown below). Note that when a filter is applied to a column, the filter icon's color changes to pink, indicating that the column is being filtered (highlighted in red, below).
2. To filter the tabular display by entering filter values:
Filtering by entering filter values is available for all columns, but is most useful when a values list (described in Step 1, above) is not practical, such as for dates. Suppose that you wish to filter a column by date:
Click the filter funnel icon (highlighted in green, below) to display the filter options (highlighted in red, below) for a column:
Choose a filter option (is equal to, is less than, is greater than or equal to, etc.) from the first dropdown list:
Choose a Date from the calendar:
If desired, you may choose a second filter option. Do this by first selecting an operator from the AND/OR dropdown list:
Then select a filter option (is equal to, is less than, is greater than or equal to, etc.) from the second dropdown list:
Then choose a second date:
Click the Filter button to apply the filter.
3. To clear a column filter in the tabular display:
Click the purple filter icon in the filtered column to display the filter options (highlighted in green):
Click the Clear Filter button to clear the filters.
4. To clear ALL column filters in the tabular display:
Click the Filter Selections button at the top of the tabular display (highlighted in green):
Select the Clear All Filters option (highlighted in red, above).