While executing an item search, you can enter item detail criteria to narrow the search results..
To enter item detail search criteria:
1. On the Item Search screen, click the Item Details tab (highlighted in green):
2. Enter criteria in one or more of the following fields:
Item ID: A unique code assigned by the system to an item. To load item IDs into this field, click the Load button, then browse and select an import file on a local or network drive.
Master Code: If an Item comes through migration or a Vendor Import process, it uses this as a unique identifier for that item. This field can also contain item names that are manually assigned by the author.
Keyword Search:Keywords entered when creating an item.
Comments: User comments entered when creating an item.
Stem: The content of the exam question for that item.
Answer Choice: The content of the answer choices for that item.
Item Level Rationale: The reason for the inclusion of that particular exam question in an exam.
Answer Choice Rationale: The reasons why each of the answer choices are being offered to the exam taker for that particular exam question.
Case Sensitive (checkbox): Select this checkbox if you want the criteria in your item search to be case sensitive (e.g., President vs. president).
IA (most recent): Item Analysis.
Item Type: Type of item you wish to search for (e.g., SSMC, MSMC, hotspot, etc.)
Creation Date Range: A range of dates during which the item(s) were created.
Update Date Range: A range of dates during which the item(s) were updated.
Last IRT Statistics Import Date Range: A range of dates during which IRT (Item Response Theory) statistics were imported.
Last Classical IA Date Range: A range of dates during which Classical IA (Item Analysis) statistics were imported.
Last Exposure Date Range: A range of dates during which the item(s) were viewed by exam takers.
Submission Date Range: A range of dates during which the items were submitted for review.
Last Technical Accuracy Reviewed Date Range: A technical review of an item that has that the reviewer's user ID and timestamp of when the item was approved. This approval is made to ensure that the item is still relevant and not obsolete.
Last Status Change Date Range: A range of dates during which the item went through its last status change.
3. The Stem, Answer Choice, Item Level Rationale and Answer Choice Rationale fields can, in addition to text, be searched using the symbols available to the item author. Clicking the Insert symbols button (highlighted in red, below) opens the Insert Symbol dialog. Clicking the symbols in the dialog will populate the symbol in the selected search field. Click Close button to dismiss the dialog.
4. Click the SQL Operators button to further refine your search criteria.