Pro! User Guide
Formatting text - HTML items
Formatting text is done through the floating bar that becomes available when clicking into any content area of an HTML item (highlighted in red, below).
The bar can be moved around the page by grabbing the handle (highlighted in green, above) and dragging it to the desired location.
The following formatting can be applied to the content of areas:
Font: The text in the content can be formatted by selecting the text and clicking one of the identified buttons (highlighted in red, below).  The buttons from left to right are Bold, Italics, Underline, Strikethrough, Subscript, Superscript, Font family and Font size.
Paragraph: The paragraphs in the content can be formatted by selecting the paragraph content and clicking one of the identified buttons (highlighted in red, below).  The buttons from left to right are Left justified, Center justified, Right justified, Unordered list (bullets), Ordered list (numbers), Uppercase roman numerals, Lowercase roman numerals, Indent, Outdent and First line indent.
Clipboard: Additionally, you may use <Ctrl>-X, <Ctrl>-C, and <Ctrl>-V to cut, copy and paste copied content.