Pro! User Guide
Selecting records
1. To select and deselect individual records in the tabular display:
Click a record to select it—the record becomes highlighted in yellow. Click more records to select them, too (note that you do not need to hold the <CTRL> key to select multiple records). To deselect a record, click it again. In the example below, three records are selected (highlighted in red, below). The number of records selected is shown at the top of the display (highlighted in green, below).
2. To select contiguous records in the tabular display:
Click a record to select it. Then hold the <SHIFT> key and click another record. All of the records between—and including—the first and second selected records will be selected.
3. To select and deselect ALL records in the tabular display:
Click the Select All button (highlighted in red, below) to select all records. Click the Clear All Selections button (highlighted in green, below) to deselect all records.
4. To show only the SELECTED records in the tabular display:
5. To show only the UNSELECTED records in the tabular display:
Repeat Step 4, above, but instead click the Filter Selections button, then Show Unselected Items (highlighted in red):
6. To clear the selected records filter in the tabular display:
Click the Filter Selections button, then Clear Selection Filters (highlighted in red):