Viewing references in the reference library
To view all of the references in the reference library:
1. In the Workflow menu, click Reference Management > Reference List:
2. The Reference List tabular display will appear (below), showing all of the references in the library.
3. Click any Reference ID link to open that reference item:
4. The Reference Detail for that item will appear:
The Reference Detail fields are defined as follows:
Ref #: System-generated number for the reference.
Type: Identifies the reference as a textbook, agency regulation, professional standard, law/regulation, or periodical.
Title: The name/title of the reference.
ISBN: The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) of the reference.
Author: The author(s) of the reference.
Publisher: The publisher of the reference.
Edition: The edition of the reference.
Copyright Year: The year of the reference’s copyright.
Comments: Comments about the reference, input by the user.
Custom Citation Values: Reference citation information, created by the user for specific references.