4. In the Answer Choices field, edit any of the four answer choices for the item, using rich text, symbols, tables, and images.
5. Click the radio button for the item's correct answer, called the key (the other answer choices are called distractors).
6. You have the option of moving each answer choice up or down in the order you wish them to appear on the test. To do this, click the appropriate up or down arrow on the right of the answer choice (highlighted in blue, above).
7. To alphabetize the answer choices click the AZ icon (highlighted in purple, above). Clicking this icon will position the distractors in alphabetical order based on their content.
8. To lock the answer choice content and its position within the question, click the lock icon (highlighted in green, above). If the section allows for key balancing then setting this lock will prevent the system from balancing the key for this item. Click for setting key balancing on\off for a section.