The Poolbook List screen allows you to see your own poolbooks. If you have administrative access, you may also view poolbooks owned by other users, or all users at once. The Poolbook Details screen allows you to view the details for any selected poolbook.
To view poolbooks and poolbook details:
1. In the Workflow menu, click Poolbook Management > Poolbook List:
2. The Poolbook List will appear (highlighted in green, below).
The default view lists the poolbooks owned by the current user for the selected exam section. If the user has administrative access, the Owner dropdown list is enabled (highlighted in red, below) and the user may choose to view the list of poolbooks by another user or all users at once.
3. To access the details of a poolbook, click the poolbook Name link:
4. The Poolbook Details screen will appear (shown below).
5. The Poolbook Details fields are defined as follows:
Poolbook ID: Read-only numeric identifier of the poolbook as assigned by the system.
Poolbook Owner: List of valid poolbook owners; by default, the owner for the poolbook being viewed is selected.
Poolbook Name: This is the name of the poolbook. Defaults to the section’s three-letter designation + space. Must be unique.
Lock New Items: Indicates if new items added to this poolbook are to be locked (including the items added at creation).
Active: Indicates if the poolbook is active or inactive.
# Items in Poolbook: The total number of items in the poolbook.
# Items Unlocked: The total number of items in the poolbook that are not locked.
# Items Locked by Another User: The total number of items that are locked by another user’s poolbook. This does not include items that are locked because they are being edited (edit-lock).