Pro! User Guide
Locking or unlocking poolbook items
The Poolbook Details screen allows you to lock and unlock items within a poolbook. Locking an item within a poolbook restricts the ability to edit that item to only the owner of the poolbook lock (the Poolbook Owner).  Other authorized users may access that item in read only mode, but will only be allowed to add comments to the item.  Locked items can subsequently be unlocked, which will allow users with appropriate access to edit those items again.
To lock or unlock poolbook items:
1. Find an existing poolbook or create a poolbook. In the example below, the user has opened the poolbook called "CC - Help Document Poolbook."
Note: You may rearrange the columns, search, filter, and sort the poolbook list according to the instructions provided in the Tabular Display section.
2. Follow Steps A through C, below:
A. Select the poolbook items that you wish to lock or unlock. To select all poolbook items, click the checkmark button (circled, above). In the example above, the user has selected three poolbook items to update.
B. Select Lock Items or Unlock Items from the Select One dropdown list.
C. Click the Execute button. The Lock (or Unlock) Items in Poolbook Results window will appear, showing the results of the update:
3. Click the Save button to save all changes.