Upon logging in to Pro!, the Home tab is automatically displayed (highlighted in red, below). At any time, you can return to the Home tab either by clicking the Home tab, or by clicking Home in the Workflow menu (highlighted in green, below).
The Home tab provides the user with a the following convenient shortcuts:
1. Quick Links is a permission based list of frequently used activities. The list of icons available will be based on the individual user's approved role(s) within Pro!. Clicking an icon (highlighed in red below) from the list will open a new tab to perform the selected action.
2. Recent Activity displays a list of icons representing the latest actions performed within Pro!. The icons will identify the object type that was updated, the obect's id and the time stamp that the activity was completed. Clicking one of the icons (highlighted in red below) will open a new tab to continue that activity. The list can be manually updated using refresh icon (highlighted in green below).
3. Saved Searches will, by default, display a list of any privately saved item searches (My Searches) that have been created by the user. Clicking the hyperlink for the search name (highlighted in red below) will execute the selected search and return a list of items in a new tab. Clicking the Edit Search button (highlighted in green below) will open up the search criteria in a new tab to allow for modifications to the search criteria. Each search in the list also provides the description of the search as well as a timestamp to indicate the last modification date.
Selecting the dropdown (highlighted in red below) will allow the Saved Searches display to be updated to show a list any publically available searches (Public Searches) or a list of both the user's privately created searches and any publically available searches (All).