To enter details about an exhibit writing project:
1. Navigate to the Details tab of the Exhibit Writing Project Management screen (highlighted in green, below), and follow Steps A through C, below.
A. Enter following Project Details:
Project Name: Name of the project.
Project Description: Description of the project.
Start Date/End Date: Start and end dates for the project.
Training URL: External website for training purposes, if available.
B. Enter the following Options:
Max Image Size: Determines the maximum size of an image the exhibit writer can use in an exhibit (choose KB, MB, or GB to define units).
Max Video Size: Determines the maximum size of an audio/video clip the exhibit writer can use in an exhibit (choose KB, MB, or GB to define units).
Exhibit Tagging Required?: Determines if exhibits included in project require classification assignments.
Show When Closed/Ended?: Determines if the project will continue to be available for the exhibit writer after it has been closed or is past the end date.
C. Enter the following information about the Project Manager: