The IRT (Item Response Theory) import allows you to update multiple items with more current scoring parameters. The process includes loading the IRT data into a preview, examining that data for accuracy, and executing the import.
To import IRT data:
1. In the Workflow menu, click Data Management > Import IRT Data:
2. When the Import IRT Data screen appears (shown below), click the Browse button to find (on your local or network drive) and select the CSV file to import:
3. Click the Open button to open the IRT data file. The data will appear in the IRT Import Preview:
Data fields are as follows:
Item ID: Unique ID of the item.
Section: Section abbreviation in which the item was delivered for that window.
IRT A: Item Response Theory A parameter.
IRT A SE: Standard error for the item’s IRT A parameter.
IRT B: Item Response Theory B parameter.
IRT B SE: Standard error for the item’s IRT B parameter.
IRT C: Item Response Theory C parameter.
IRT C SE: Standard error for the item’s IRT B parameter.
Status: The row’s data is checked for validity, including formatting and range checks. Rows with all valid data display a status of Valid. Rows with invalid data display a detailed breakdown of the reason(s) it is invalid. Rows with a status of anything other than Valid will not be imported.
4. To import the IRT data, click the Update IRTs button. The Confirm IRT Parameter Update dialog box will appear (see below). Enter any comments, then click the OK button to begin the import.
5. After the data is imported, click the View Output button in the Activity Monitor:
6. The IRT Parameter Update Results window will appear (shown below). Each item with valid IRT data will have its IRT data updated, or added (if never previously added).