1. Navigate to the Details tab of the Item Writing Project Management screen (highlighted in green, below), and follow Steps A and B, below.
A. Enter the following Project Details:
Start Date/End Date: Start and end dates for the project.
Project Name: Name of the project.
Project Description: Description of the project.
Training URL: External website for training purposes, if available.
Exhibit Tagging Required?: Determines if exhibits included in project require classification assignments.
Show When Closed/Ended?: Determines if the project will continue to be available for the item writer after it has been closed or is past the end date.
Project Manager:
First Name: Project manager's first name.
Last Name: Project manager's last name.
E-mail: Project manager's email address.
Phone: Project manager's phone number.
B. Enter the following Options:
Project Item Type: Select the checkbox for the each of the desired item types. By default the SSMC type is selected (the example above shows all items types selected). The selection of one or more items types is permitted.
Number of Exhibits: (PACS only) Determines the Minimum and Maximum number of exhibits the item writer can add to item.
Number of Stems: (PACS only) Determines the Minimum and Maximum number of stems the item writer can create.
Number of Options: Determines the Minimum and Maximum number of answer choices the item writer can create.
Number of Answer Choices: (MSMC only) Determines the Minimum and Maximum number of keys the item writer can select for an item.
Allow Passages?: (SSMC and Likert) Determines if passages can be authored by the item writer (this field is present based on passage availability within the application)
Min Items in Passage: (If Allow Passages? selected) Determines the minimum number of items that can be associated with a passage before submission.
Max Items in Passage: (If Allow Passages? selected) Determines the maximum number of items that can be associated with a passage.
Exhibit Options: By default there is no Max or Min image size. To explicitly define click the button to activate the desired text box.
Max Image Size: Determines the maximum size of an image the item writer can use in an item (choose KB, MB, or GB to define units).
Max Video Size: Determines the maximum size of an audio/video clip the item writer can use in an item (choose KB, MB, or GB to define units).
Workflow Options:
Submitted Item Visibility: Determines what item writers will be able to view-only their own (Only Writer's Items) or everyone's (All Project Items).
Who Can Edit Items?: In addition to the Item Writer, who can edit the passage and\or item(s) during their review?
Project Mentors
Who Can Submit Items?: Determines who can submit the passage and\or item(s)