1. In the Workflow menu, click the Reference Management link (highlighted in red, below), then click the Create Reference link
2. A new Reference Detail screen will appear:
3. Choose a Status for this new reference (Active or Inactive).
4. Enter the values for each of the fields in the Reference Detail screen as follows:
Type: This required field identifies the reference as a textbook, agency regulation, professional standard, law/regulation, or periodical.
Title (required): The name/title of the refernce.
ISBN: The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) of the reference.
Author: The author(s) of the reference.
Publisher: The publisher of the reference.
Edition: The edition of the reference.
Copyright Year: The year of the reference's copyright.
Comments: Comments about the reference.
5. In the example below, the user has created a Textbook library reference for The Elements of Style (4th Edition):
6. You may wish to create a Custom Citation Value, which the user will be prompted to enter when they associate this library reference to an item. To do this, follow Steps A through F, below:
A. Click the Add new item button open a new item line.
B. Enter a Name for the citation value.
C. From the Type dropdown list, select one of the following entries:
Alpha: Only alphabetic characters allowed.
Alphanumeric: Only alphabetic and numeric characters allowed.
Any: Any characters allowed, including symbols and special characters.
Constant: If you wish to enter a new field with an uneditable value, select this entry, then enter the uneditable value in the Value field (Step D, below).
Numeric: Only numeric characters allowed.
D. if you choose Constant from the Type dropdown list in Step C, above, enter the Value of that uneditable value here.
E. Click the Req checkbox if the citation value is required by the user when they associate this reference to an item.
F. Click the trash can button if you wish to delete this new custom citation value.
In the example shown below, the user created a required alphanumeric custom citation value called Language:
7. Click the Save button.
8. The new library reference with its own system-generated Reference Number (highlighted below) has been created. If you created a new custom citation value (described in Step 7, above), a user who wants to use the reference will be prompted for that value when they associate the reference with an item.