1. Navigate to the Details tab of the Review Project Management screen (highlighted in green, below). Edit any of the fields shown in Steps A and B, below.
A. Enter following Project Details:
Start Date/End Date: Start and end dates for the project (Once the project is active, the Start Date cannot be changed).
Project Name: Name of the project.
Project Description: Description of the project.
Training URL: External website for training purposes, if available.
Exhibit Tagging Required?: Determines if exhibits included in project require classification assignments.
Show When Closed/Ended?: Determines if the project will continue to be available for the reviewers after it has been closed or is past the end date (Checked by default).
Project Manager:
First Name: Project manager's first name.
Last Name: Project manager's last name.
E-mail: Project manager's email address.
Phone: Project manager's phone number.
Project Approvals:
Approvals System will Clear on Content Change: A change to the items content during review will cause the system to clear the approval from any of the selected types.
If the Show Approvals to the Primary Reviewer checkbox is selected:
Approvals Primary Reviewer Can Set: The primary reviewer can set the approval for any of the selected types during review.
Approvals Primary Reviewer Can Clear: The primary reviewer can clear the approval for any of the selected types during review..
If the Show Approvals to the Primary Reviewer checkbox is not selected, then the primary reviewer cannot set or clear any approvals during item review.
B. Enter the following Options:
Item Specific Options (Each of the following item types can be added to a review project)
Number of Options: Select the Min and Max number of answer choices for the project's items.
Number of Options: Select the Min and Max number of answer choices for the project's items.
Number of Answer Choices: Select the Min and Max number of keys or correct answer choices for the project's items.
Number of Options: Select the Min and Max number of answer choices for the project's items
Exhibit Options
Max Image Size: Determines the maximum size of an image that can be used in an item (choose KB, MB, or GB to define units).
Max Video Size: Determines the maximum size of an audio/video clip the item writer that can be used in an item (choose KB, MB, or GB to define units).
Editing Options (Once the project is activated the item editing selections cannot be changed).
Primary Reviewers
Classifications: Primary reviewers assigned to the project can add or edit classifications to an item in OCR (Online Committee Review).
Items: Primary reviewers assigned to the project can edit an assigned item in OCR.
Secondary Reviewers
Only Edit Item Copies: Secondary reviewers, if given permission by the primary reviewer, can edit their own copy of and assigned item (if unchecked and the primary reviewer grants edit permissions then the secondary reviewer edits the original copy of the item).
Review Options
Minimum Number of Secondary Reviewers Needed to Start a Review Round: The minimum amount of Secondary Reviewers that must be included in a review round for the Primary Reviewer to be able to start the round.
Show Prior Comments?: Determines if the project will show the secondary reviewer any comments entered prior to the current review round.
Round Ends on Secondary Reject?: The review round of an item will end when any of the assigned secondary reviewers rejects that item during the review.
Primary Reject sets Item Status to Rejected: The item's status will be set to Rejected when a Primary Reviewer rejects the item when completing the review of the item.