Pro! User Guide
Viewing relationships of an item
Enemy items should not be given to the same candidate in the same testing session. There are several reasons this would be undesirable. For example, two items ask almost the same question, which places too much weight on one competency. It could also be that the wording of one item implies the answer to the other item, which gives the candidate an unfair advantage over candidates that were not presented with those two items. 
Partner items will be delivered to the same candidate in the same testing session.  The purpose of the partner item is as a follow up question, if the item is answered incorrectly.  The partner item is intended to retest the same competency.
Note: The following shows relationships for a single selection multiple choice item (SSMC). Screens may look different for likert, multiple selection multiple choice items (MSMC), and hotspot items.
To view relationships for an item:
2. Navigate to the item's Relationships tab (highlighted in green, below). All enemies for that item will appear in the Item Enemies section of the screen, all partners will appear in the Item Partners section (highlighted in red, below):
3. If you are authorized, you can edit the relationships.