2. Select the items you wish to edit. In the example above, the user has selected six items (highlighted in green).
3. Select Edit Items from the Select One dropdown list (highlighted in red, above), then click the Execute button. The item editing environment will appear (shown below), with a menu of items in the left column, and an item tab on the right. In the example below, the user has selected Item ID 414 (highlighted in green rectangle), which opened SSMC 414 in a tab (highlighted in red rectangle). From here, you can edit the item.
4. To open and edit other items, either click each one in the left-hand item list, or use the Next and Previous buttons (highlighted in green rectangle, above) to access them.
5. If the MCQ tab clean-up checkbox (highlighted in red rectangle, above) is unchecked, each item will open in multiple tabs. If you want a neater appearance, place a check in this checkbox to open items in just one tab.