Pro! User Guide
Paging through records
To page through records in the tabular display:
1. By default, the tabular display shows 50 results per page. However, this number can be changed either by typing a value (from 1 to 999) in the Page Size dropdown list, or by selecting one of the pre-set page sizes (25, 50, or 100):
Once changed, the tabular display will re-populate the results with the selected number of records per page.
2. To move to a specific page in the results, click the desired page number (highlighted in red, below) or type the selected page number into the Page box at the bottom of the screen (highlighted in green, below):
3. To move between pages in the results, click the previous button and next button:
4. To move to the first or last page in the results, click the first page button or last page button: